Groups that the subsidies are for
a) People at risk of social exclusion, certified by the Social Services of any public authority.
b) People who have been unemployed for a long time.
c) People over 50.
d) People with functional diversity.
Type of contract eligible for subsidies
Full time work experience contract, except for people with severe functional diversity, who can have a part-time work experience contract for less than 15 hours a week.
- The beneficiary cannot be involved in anything that is prohibited in sections 2 and 3 of article 13, of the General Subsidies Law 38/2003, dated the 17th of November; to this end, the entities shall submit the corresponding declaration of responsibility.
- Under no circumstances whatsoever can groups of individuals or legal entities, private or public, civil societies, joint ownership arrangements or any other type of economic unit or separate estate benefit from this scheme, despite the fact that they can carry out activities eligible for subsidies even when they do not have a legal status.
The amount of the subsidy in general shall be 10,640 euros, and for women 11,305 euros.
The amount for female victims of violence or people with functional diversity is 11,970 euros per full-time contract.
Time periods
The period to submit applications is from the 6th of February, 2020 to the 30th of September, 2020, in which case the application for the subsidy has to be presented at least two months from when the individual in question is hired.
What documents have to be presented?
The following documentation has to be presented along with the application:
a) If a representative submits the application in person and not online, proof of the proxy must be shown.
b) Direct debiting details, according to the standard form. If the application is presented in person, two copies of this must be presented as well.
c) Declaration of responsibility that hiring the individual does not incur any of the grounds for exclusion.
d) Declaration of responsibility of the compliance with the regulations on the integration of people with disabilities in the workplace, or where appropriate, exemption from that obligation.
e) Declaration of responsibility concerning other assistance received for the same costs that are eligible for subsidies or the same act that is eligible for subsidies or not having obtained any, in order to prove that they do not exceed the limits in section 2 of article 5 of the Regulation (EU) 1407/2013, of the Commission.
f) Declaration of responsibility of not being involved in any of the prohibitions to be classified as a beneficiary or to be a recipient of the payment as referred to in sections 2 and 3 of article 13 and section 5 of article 34 of the Law 38/2003, according to the standard form.
g) Declaration of responsibility of the de minimis aid awarded to the requesting individual or entity during the previous two tax years and in the current one, according to the standard form.
h) The person who is hired is informed that the requested assistance is joint-financed by the European Social Fund, according to the standard model.
i) Report from the General Treasury of the Social Security about the average number of employed workers registered in the social security system during the thirty days before the contract is signed.
j) Report from the General Treasury of the Social Security about the average number of employed workers in the thirty day period before the contract is signed and on the day when the person hired signs the contract.
k) Where appropriate, proof of the female victim of violence status, pursuant to the provisions established in article 9, sections 1 and 2 of the Law 7/2012, dated the 23rd of November from the Generalitat (Government of the autonomous Valencian Community), and the integrated laws on violence against women in the Valencian Community.
l) Proof that the initial indicator form has been filled in by the person hired.
m) Employment contract for which the subsidy is awarded.
n) Proof, where appropriate, of the situation or risk of social exclusion provided by the Social Services of any public authority.
o) Where appropriate, diagnosis of the disease or mental disorder issued by the mental public health centre, pursuant to the terms established in the second additional provision of the Order 10/2018.
As well as the provisions established in article 14 of the General Subsidies Law 38/2003, dated the 17th of November, the obligations of the beneficiary are as follows:
a) Formalize the employment contract in writing.
b) The part-time contracts of people with severe functional diversity must specifically state the number of hours worked weekly in the clauses.
c) The job created has to be kept for at least twelve months. To this end, the provisions established in article 11.1 b) of the Workers Statute shall be applicable, which stipulates that “The situations of temporary disability, birth, adoption, custody for the purposes of adoption, fostering, risk during pregnancy, risk while breast feeding and gender violence will disrupt the calculation of the duration of the contract.”
d) While the subsidised contract is in force, the average number of employees working at the beneficiary company cannot drop, unless there are vacancies caused by voluntary resignation, death, unexpected disability, and retirement due to age or dismissal of the employee on disciplinary grounds or for objective grounds that are not declared to be unfair.
e) Within one month after the expiry of the job contract, supply the report from the General Treasury of the Social Security concerning the average workforce of the company employing the individual in question who was registered in the Social Security system while the contract were in force.
f) Provide as much data and information as required by the LABORA Valencian Employment and Training Service about matters concerning the subsidies awarded.
g) Inform the LABORA Valencian Employment and Training Service about the request and obtaining other subsidies or assistance for the same purpose; together with any incident or change that might be made in relation to the awarded subsidy.
h) Have ledgers, processed records and other documents that have been duly audited pursuant to the terms required by the corresponding commercial and sector law; and keep the documents (including electronic documents) that prove the use of the funds received, because they might be inspected, whether they are the originals or certified copies of these.
i) Legal entities must enter the payment of the subsidy into the accounts using a specific accounting code, and the accounting statement of this must be supplied to the LABORA Valencian Employment and Training Service within the time period established in letter e) of the sixteenth resolution of the official announcement.
j) As these subsidies are co-financed by the European Social Fund, the supporting evidence (including electronic documents) must be kept for a period of three years from the 31st of December after the presentation of the accounts in which the definitive expenses of the transaction have been included, as established in article 140.1 of the Regulation (EU) 1303/2013 of the European Parliament and the Council, dated the 17th of December, 2013 (which is expected to take place in around 2025).
k) For the purposes of public awareness, as the subsidies are co-financed by the European Social Fund, the beneficiary individual or entity shall be subject to the information and publicity rules established in the Regulation (EU) 1303/2013 of the European Parliament and the Council, dated the 17th of December, 2013. These rules include the fact that being awarded the subsidies means that the beneficiary has to agree to be included in a list of transactions that will be published online or by any other means, in which the beneficiaries, the transaction financed and the amount of the subsidy awarded are all mentioned. Moreover, the person who has been hired must be informed that these subsidies are co-financed by the European Social Fund. The beneficiary shall also be subject to the rules of information and publicity provided for in the Implementing Regulation (EU) 821/2014 of the Commission dated the 28th of July, 2014 through which the implementing rules of the Regulation (EU) 1303/2013 of the European Parliament and the Council are established on the specific types of transfer and management of the contributions of the programme, supplying the information about the financial instruments, the technical characteristics of the transaction information and communication measures and the system used to record and store the data.
l) Comply with the transparency obligations established in the basic legislation in accordance with the provisions established in article 3 of the Law 2/2015, dated the 2nd of April, from the Generalitat, on Transparency, Good Government and the Participation of Citizens of the Valencian Community, if the company gets public assistance or subsidies for more than 100,000 euros a year, or when at least, 40% of its total annual revenue is public assistance or subsidies, as long as it is for at least the amount of 5000 euros. However, any beneficiary that gets an amount of more than 10,000 euros in one year, in assistance or subsidies, from the autonomous community authorities or any other entity mentioned in article 2 of the Law 2/2015, must disclose details about this properly, stating at least the public authority that has awarded it, the amount received, the programme, activity, investment or subsidized activity. This is preferably done on the corresponding websites. If there isn’t a website to publicise it, this obligation can be fulfilled through the website made available by the Generalitat.
m) Within the time period stated in letter e) of the sixteenth resolution, a standard declaration form must be supplied about the fulfilment of the transparency obligations that the aforesaid letter refers to.
n) The LABORA Valencian Employment and Training Service must be supplied with the additional measures that favour the adequacy of the insertion provided for in the fourth additional provision of the Order. Therefore, the beneficiary must allow the employee to go to the Espai LABORA in working hours, so that they can carry out the additional guidance tasks while the contract is in force.